How to create and Save an Estimate Template

Rave has the ability to save an entire Estimate (job costing) as a template to quickly and efficiently use again next time.

The steps below will teach you how to turn your existing estimate into a template.


Accessing your Project’s Budget Workflows

You can access your Project’s financial workflows from either the Financial button, or the Site/Build button's Build Project list, clicking on the project’s job number, and finally the Budget sub-tab. 



Once in the Budget sub-tab, click on the Estimate subtab.



 You have already learnt how to create the estimate, edit the sell pricing and add any Terms and Conditions in our previous help article How to Create a Client Proposal/Estimate via the Estimate sub-tab. 


To save this estimate as a template you will need to scroll down the estimate page to the heading Estimate Version. Ensure your estimate you are wanting to save as a template is not accepted and shows as in DRAFT.

You also need to check the circle on the left is selected to the version you want to save as a template (there could be multiple versions). Ensure the Is Active Button is checked on the same project. 

On the right and side there are 3 dots. Click the dots and find the Option SAVE AS TEMPLATE. 

Once you select the Save as Template button you need to name your template. Give it a name that is easily recognisable in case you decide to make multiple templates for different house plans or different variations of the same plan. IE The Matakana – Brick or The Matakana - Weatherboard. One you hit save your template is now ready to be used in any other job.


To Load this new Template into a fresh job you would go to budget sub-tab in that job, go directly to the estimate page. This will currently be a blank page with no information loaded.

Scroll Down to the Estimate Versions box and on the top Right Select the drop down arrow beside CREATE NEW VERSION. There is a LOAD FROM TEMPLATE button. 


Select this button and choose which template you wish to load and press LOAD.

It will now load the entire estimate template with all of your quotes, sell pricing and information into the job.


All of the quotes will be Approved and In the Estimate as well as on the quotes page. The suppliers are pre selected, cost centers, categories/subcategories and line item information is all copied from the template into this job.  The pricing is not padlocked as this estimate isn't approved yet . You can now proceed to make final changes/tweaks to the pricing, suppliers and other information before presenting the client.



In order to find the Estimate templates in our Template Menu, you need to go to Site Build – Templates then scroll down to Financial Templates. There you will see the 1200x1200 Tiled Shower saved as an Estimate Template. 

You can rename a template or Delete it in this menu. You cannot edit it. You must load it into a job to make changes and then resave the template again.