Cross-branch access allows a branch user to login to more than one branch in RAVE, with one email user login vs having an email login for each branch.  If you need to set up cross-branch access, please refer to our Process to Requesting Cross-Branch Access FAQ here.

Once you have been set up with cross-branch access, switching between branches is really easy.  

So, after logging into RAVE as normal:

  1. You'll find your cross-branch dropdown at the top right of your screen - below your profile dropdown (your login profile name in white and black)

    The branch name listed in this dropdown is the branch you are currently logged into

  2. Click on the cross-branch dropdown to see the list of branches you have access to

  3. Select the branch you want to log in to by clicking on that branches name 

    That will log you into the other branch, and you will see that this other branch name will now be displayed in the cross-branch dropdown.