Changing the schedule in 'Enterprise' scheduling mode, via the task gantt view is easy - though we now have the task links, and constraints to also consider.   

Click-and-Drag Tasks to Update the Schedule via the 'Enterprise' Task Gantt View 

As with Classic scheduling, you can also click-and-drag tasks in Enterprise scheduling - that is:

  1. Click-and-drag a single task to move it
  2. Hold shift+click on one task, then while still holding shift, click on another task to create a group of tasks - dragging this group of tasks to move them
  3. Hold control (ctrl)+click on a number of tasks - dragging this selection of tasks to move them

    That is in addition to double-clicking on a task (description or task block) to edit it.  

NOTE:  Clicking and dragging a task in Enterprise mode, will set that task up with a 'Start No Earlier Than' constraint - meaning that this start date can not move back any earlier via task links, though it can be pushed forwards/later by task links if required. 

Why Changing a 'Start Date' Field to Move a Linked Task will FAIL in 'Enterprise' Scheduling

Changing the start date of a successor (linked task) via the edit Task Details pop-up in the task gantt or task list view, or via the start date field of the task list view will not work.   This is because the task is held in place by the task link connecting it from the predecessor i.e. trying to change the start date in this way will see the start date snap back in place based on it's link lag duration.

NOTE:  You can still use the edit Task Details pop-up to move the Linked Task via the task gantt or task list view - but this is via the Constraints tab - setting a Must Start On/Start No Earlier Than, or other relevant Constraint Type, with the Constraint Date.