With RAVE's 'Advanced' scheduling mode, we have access to linked tasks and most 'Enterprise' scheduling functionality (except Constraints), we also have the ability to access hourly task scheduling and durations.  

NOTE:  The 'Advanced' scheduling mode, is primarily for our maintenance clients who need to schedule their work by the hour. 

Changing a Task to Hourly Duration

When changing a task's duration from days to hours, RAVE will set the start time to 7am as a default.  This means when we are using hourly task durations, we need to set the actual start time also.

So, after changing the duration of a task from days to hours, we also:

  • Set the 'Planned Start Date' date and time
  • Add in the duration in hours
  • And then click the ‘NEXT’ button to continue

    This will take you to the next screen concerning Notifications

  • You can add a message and/or just press the ‘Save’ button to confirm the hourly task scheduling changes