Profitability Report
The Profitability Report shows you your Project Value, Approved Quotes, Bills, Client Invoices, and your current Expected Gross Profit vs your Running Gross Profit and Cost to Complete. This is a live report so any time a Client Invoice is created, or a Supplier Bill is loaded, the Running Gross Profit will change.
If your Running Gross Profit is negative (-) and you see no Invoices to Date (at the bottom of this report screen), it means you haven't charged anything to your client for this job. This can be done via the charge-up option, or via the Progress Payment sub-tab.
If your Running Gross Profit is negative (-) and you have Invoices, this means your Bills-In are higher than your Invoices Out to Clients and you need to check your costs i.e. double-check how you're tracking with your budgets, you may have overspent, or you may be missing a variation.
To the right is the Cost to Complete Column.
This will take all of your Bills remove the over spend and give you a balance to complete the project.
You Can set the cost to complete line to zero by clicking the 3 dot menu and selecting the Zero cost to complete box.
This will recalculate the cost to complete total to $0 and the total down the bottom will re calculate.
To re set it back to the actual figure you push the same button and re calculate the cost to complete.
This column is the same one that reports on the Cost to Complete report in Branch Reporting (The FAQ for this report is found here
There is also an export to Excel and Export to PDF option which will generate the table information including colour coding in either PDF printable format or Excel.
The excel report now has formulas included for you to manually override the cost to complete by selecting YES or leave it as it is by selecting NO.