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We have a range of Sales Reports that are available to help you better manage your sales performance. To check them out, click on the “Reporting” button to the top right of your screen.  This will take you to the Sales Person reports page as shown below.  

Salesperson Overview Tab

The first reporting page on the list to check out is the Salesperson Overview tab.

This is essentially a summary of your Sales activity, letting you know how you’re doing for a selected period of time. You can set your own custom date range for the report by clicking on the “From” and “To” calendar sections, or selecting from our handy list of pre-set date ranges.

The three metrics you’ll find here are Enquires, Sales, and Total Signed Contract Value.

  • Enquires show the number of leads you’ve added or been assigned for the given date range.
  • Sales show the number of signed contracts or leads marked as won for the given date range.
  • Total Signed Contract Value is the value of signed contracts that have been marked as won, again for the selected date range.

Below these metrics, is the Sales Opportunity Stages graph.

This shows you the final state of any Clients added or moved along in the sales process, for the selected date range, it’s like a snapshot of where leads are at for the time period you’ve selected.

NOTE: As this graph shows new enquiries, as well as existing lead movement, the numbers in this graph, might be different from the enquiries figure above.


Salesperson Clients Tab

The Salesperson’s Clients tab shows various ways to view and manage your Clients - again displaying data for the selected date range. 

The Salesperson Client Conversion report displays a list of Clients won in the given date range, showing the Enquiry Date, the Signed Contract date, and a Sales Opportunity filter.

The Salesperson Client Opportunity report provides the details from the Sales Opportunity Stages graph that we looked at in the Overview.

This report displays the final sales opportunity state for any Clients added, and any Clients who have been moved along the sales process in the given date range.  Below the chart is a table displaying the Client and Project name, when their opportunity was last updated, who the salesperson is that’s looking after them, and where they’re at in terms of their Sales Opportunity. This is great to give you a look at your sales progress over a given period. By filtering by the opportunity, and then sorting by the Last Updated date, you can see leads than might require a follow-up.

The Salesperson Client Followups report provides a chart and table of Client Follow Ups and Overdue Follow Ups for your reference - though we now have the Clients / My Follow-up reports which are covered in detail via this Rave Help Client Follow-Up Reporting Tab FAQ

Salesperson Sales Tab

The Salesperson Sales tab defaults to the Sales Overview report, which lists all of your sales leads, their lead status (Hot/Warm/Cold), and very clearly displays the opportunity progress for the selected date range.

The current Opportunity state is displayed in the darker teal shade, and the dates of any opportunity movements are listed on the chart.

You can hide empty leads and/or lost/closed leads by checking the box on the top right-hand side of the screen.

The headers on this report act as both search and filter fields, so if you need to find a specific Client, you can search for them via the Client header. You can also easily filter by lead status using the Lead filter.

The description of any Opportunity Percentage (XX%) stage will be displayed when you hover over the percentage header.

Once you’ve finished customising the Sales Overview with your combination of filters and tick boxes - you can hit “Export” and easily export your report as a CSV file. 

Tip:  A handy tip is to use the Sales Overview report, filtered by Cold leads, to have a look at leads you might want to cast away. 

The Salesperson Sales Pipeline funnel is similar to the Rave home page's Hot Leads sale forecast - but displays all leads, not just the Hot ones. It gives you a breakdown of where each lead is sitting, given your expected contract close/sign date, and the value of each potential lead.

The months will match the reporting date range, plus a summary of the total to the right displays both the total number of leads in the range and the total expected value i.e. in the above Total Won total field, the “4” means four signed contracts, and the “$2,500,000” means $2.5 million in total value.

Clicking on any of the charts fields, displays a table below the chart, with links to the client profile, their project, and also displays each leads estimated budget, current Opportunity stage, the primary contact's email if you’ve got it loaded, and the assigned Salesperson. It’s a great way to scan expected sales and to also identify leads you thought you might have signed in previous months, and reposition these with updated expected close dates.