You have the ability to give staff, site staff, and outside users (Contractors and the client) access to specific checklists within your project.

How to Provide Contractors Access to a Checklist

From your project Overview - Once you are in your project overview, click the 'Check List' sub-tab. Here, you can choose who is assigned to the tasks on your checklist. 

To give an outside user access to a project's checklist:  

  1. Find their project via the 'Site|Build / Build Projects' list - and open their project by clicking on the job number, or clicking on the 'Show' button - to the right of the screen

  2. Then click on the 'Check List' sub-tab 

    This will open the project's Check List screen - displaying all current checklists loaded under this project

  3. Find the checklist you want to give access to, and click it's expand arrow on the right-hand side of the checklist to expand it

  4. The top left of the expanded checklist will display a 'Viewable By' selection box 

    This will list everyone who has already been given access to the project via the project's 'People' sub-tab - you can now select anyone from this drop-down list, by checking the tick box to the left of each name, to access this particular checklist.

    And that is it, once the project is in an 'Active' state, the checklist will be visible to all outside users you've selected in the dropdown list.