The project's 'People' sub-tab allows you to track and manage outside user access to your project - primarily your Contractors, Site Managers, but also your Client, Contacts, and internal Staff Members.  

If you would like a more in-depth look at the Peoples sub-tab - check out this full ­­The Project's People Sub-Tab FAQ.

To navigate to your project's people screen, open the project you want to view your user access for and click on the 'People' sub-tab.  

Scrolling down this page, will show you all internal and external user access for this project.  

NOTE: NO outside users (contractors, contacts, or clients) or site staff are given access to your project automatically.  You will either select and add them in manually via the 'People' sub-tab of your project or load them in as part of a schedule template.  Clients also require a client login to be created - this is covered via our RAVE - Client Portal Set Up FAQ.

Adding People

You can add people to your project, this means that they will be able to access the project when Active, view the schedule with permission, and get project and schedule notifications if turned on.  This also means that you will be able to allocate these people to tasks in your schedule, provide access to checklists and communicate with them via RAVE's Messages system.  

At the top of each section (Client, Tenant(s), etc) there is a user selection drop-down field and a blue 'Add' button. 
You can select the users you want to give access to this job, by clicking on the selection drop-down, and ticking each person's name.  Once you've made your selections, you can click the 'Add' button to confirm.  



Removing People
If you wish to remove access of anyone from your project, just click on the red remove 'X' button to the right of each user name.  
A confirmation box will appear, asking if you are sure you want to delete them.  Confirm this to complete the deletion.  

If you have accidentally removed someone from your project, you can easily re-add them via the Adding People process above.

NOTE: Removing someone from a project does not remove their profile from RAVE - it just removes their access from this particular job