The project's 'Progress Payment' sub-tab allows you to see all of the payment requests loaded against your project by your accounts team.  That is all of the payments listed in your client's build contract, all variations, and any non-contract payments received too.  The progress payment sub-tab allows you to see what’s been paid and what's been requested for payment.  You can edit and request payments from your clients depending on each payment line's 'paid' status.  

If you would like a more in-depth look at managing progress payment requests - check out this full ­­Accounts Training Guide – The Progress Payments Sub-Tab.

To navigate to your project's progress payment screen, open the project you want to view the payments list for and click on the 'Progress Payment' sub-tab.  

To the right of each stage claim item there is an 'Action' drop-down button, once clicked you will have the options to:

  • Request a payment
  • Edit the item
  • Move it up and down
  • Or delete it

Making a Progress Payment Request

When you click the 'Request' button the 'Progress Payment Request' pop-up box will appear.  This will default to an 'in 7 days' due date.  Click submit to confirm the payment request, and your request will be sent to your accounts team to action.

NOTE: When a request is made this will send an email notification to the assigned accounts person(s). If your RAVE system is connected to Xero, this will also generate a DRAFT INVOICE in your Xero system.  

Editing a Stage Claim line

You can edit the description and/or the amount of a stage claim item, by clicking the 'Edit' option from the 'Action' drop-down menu.  Once your necessary changes have been made, click the 'Save' button to save your changes.