If a team member leaves your company, you will want to suspend their login to prevent any further access to your branch.  For audit trail purposes, we do not delete branch users from RAVE.  However, those with branch owner access can suspend the exiting staff members account, and reassign their customers and/or outstanding tasks to another branch user. 

To suspend a staff user:

Step 1

Head over to your profile dropdown (your name in black & white) to the top right of the screen.  Click on your name, and click on the 'Set Permission' option.

Step 2

You will be navigated to the 'Staff Users' page. Find the user you want to suspend and click the 'Edit' button, over on the right-hand side of the page.

Step 3

This will open the Edit Staff screen.  Move down to the bottom left of the page and click the 'Suspend Account' checkbox, located under their Login Info.

Step 4

This will cause a 'Replacing suspended staff by' drop-down menu to appear - prompting you to choose another staff member to replace the one being suspended.  All the customers who were previously managed by the suspended person's account and/or follow-ups etc will be reassigned to the staff member you select here. 

Select the staff member to take on this work and click 'Update'.

NOTE: You must choose 'someone' to take over the suspended staff member's role in order to suspend them.   This may be a new staff member replacing the exiting team member, an existing employee, or yourself.

Step 5

You will be navigated to a page showing your 'Suspended Staff Users'.  To go back to viewing your active users, click on the 'Show Active Staff Persons' button to the upper right of the Suspended Staff Users page.