NOTE: 99% of our clients wouldn't do this - but you do have the ability to allow your contractors to see your project's Site/Build notes.  

This branch owner setting allows all contractors who have been given access to any active project, via its 'People' tab, to view your project's Site/Build notes. This is an ALL project setting - and again, we generally recommend not doing this, rather you would keep your Site/Build notes for your internal team.

To share ALL of your active project's Site/Build notes, with ALL contractors given access to them via their 'People' tab:

  1. Click on the 'Settings' option, via your profile dropdown - your name in black and white to the top right of RAVE 
  2. Then from the Branch Settings page, click on the 'Contractor Settings' sub-tab
  3. Switch on the 'Ability to view notes in builds' toggle - changing it from grey to green 
  4. Then click the 'Save Changes' button to confirm