Changing your build status to maintenance allows you to filter your projects by the 'Maintenance' build state - allowing you to track all of your projects post-handover.

There are two ways to do this - either;

  1. Changing the project's 'Status' to maintenance
  2. Or changing the project's 'Sales Opportunity' to maintenance - which automatically changes the project 'Status' to maintenance also

To change the project's status to maintenance directly:

  1. Firstly find and open the project via the Site|Build / Build Projects list - by clicking on the job number or Show button
  2. Then, from the project's 'Build Overview' screen, move over to the project 'Status' - near the top right of the screen and select the 'Maintenance' option
  3. This will change the project 'Status' to maintenance - while leaving the 'Sales Opportunity' as it is

To change the build status to maintenance via the project's 'Sales Opportunity':

  1. Firstly find and open the project via the Site|Build / Build Projects list - by clicking on the job number or Show button
  2. Then, from the project's 'Build Overview' screen, move down to the 'Contract Details/Opportunity' dropdown and select the 'Maintenance' option
  3. This will change the 'Opportunity' to maintenance and also update the project 'Status' to maintenance as well

How to view your 'Maintenance' Projects

Viewing all of your 'Maintenance' projects can be done by filtering the Site|Build / Build Projects list - via the project 'Status' dropdown filter - that is:

  1. From the Site|Build / Build Projects list - click on the project 'Status' dropdown filter
  2. Select 'Maintenance'
  3. This will change the listing to only display projects in a 'Maintenance' project state