Branch Overview - RAVE's Reporting Portal


The Branch Overview is a summary of all activities including sales statistics and enquiries - available to those with branch owner permissions.

When you log into your Rave Build account head to your profile drop-down menu (your name in black & white to the top right of your screen), and click on the 'Reporting' option.


Once open you will be taken directly to the Branch Overview page. You’re able to adjust the report date range with our easy-to-use dropdowns/calendar selectors, you can also reset this date whenever you need to.

Downloading Reports

You can easily download reports from RAVE onto your computer.

When you are in your company dashboard, use the menu on the left to locate the report you need. 

Downloadable Branch reports include:

  • 13 Month Review
  • Client Invoices
  • Budget
  • Sales
  • Clients

Downloadable Salesperson reports include:

  • Clients
  • Sales

Once you find the report you need, find and click the 'EXPORT' button.


Open the downloaded CSV file to view the report in Excel.