Your journey with Rave's Timesheets Advanced starts via your project's Timesheets sub-tab - opening to your project's Project Timesheets / Summary sub-tab.

The Summary sub-tab
The summary sub-tab provides a top-level view of timesheet entries for a given date range period - displaying all users with any entries for that period, their total hours logged in, their total break time, and their net total time - less breaks.


The Details sub-tab 
The details sub-tab provides much more information and is the home of your project's timesheet details.

You can search/filter by a selected date range, user group (i.e. timesheet users and/or site staff vs other roles), user, task (or tags), and the approval status of the timesheet entries.

This page will list each entry sorted by date for the filters selected. Each entry will display the date and day, user, any associated task or tag, the start and finish time, total time logged, any break duration, the total net time excluding breaks, and the ability to read any timesheet notes.

If the 'Enable timesheets approval' option is turned on in your branch settings under 'Timesheet', and with the add/edit timesheet entry permissions, an orange 'Pending - click to approve' or green 'Approved - click to unapprove' tick icon will also display - allowing you to approve (lockdown) a pending timesheet entry.

Note: When an approved entry is locked down, it can NOT be edited - it must be changed back to a pending/unapproved state for editing.

When a timesheet entry is approved or moved back to pending, the person whose timesheet entry it is will receive a notification email letting them know the updated status.

To the left of each entry is a tick box allowing you to approve or convert the selected timesheet entry(s) to a bill. Or you can push the 'A' icon to auto-select all entries that have not yet been approved for you to bulk approve.


Anyone with permission to add/edit entries can edit or delete an unapproved entry (via the 3 dot action dropdown to the right) or add an entry via the 'Add an entry:' section to the left of the page.

Note: Anyone with timesheet approval permissions within the business will receive an email daily at 6pm with all of the new timesheet entries to be approved. 

The Settings sub-tab
The settings sub-tab includes the 'Override Branch Breaks Billing' option - which when ticked, presents the ability to 'Include Breaks When Converting a Timesheet to a Bill' i.e. passing on the cost of the breaks to your client.

Note: There is a branch-level setting (under Branch Settings/Timesheet) that allows you to 'Include Breaks When Converting a Timesheet to a Bill'. The 'Override Branch Breaks Billing' will overwrite that setting at a project level.