The Site/Build Build Projects page displays all of your current projects. A recent update has renamed what used to be called Project Status to Project Stage. This means that anywhere in Rave you used to see Project Status, you now see Project Stage.
Over to the top left, we have the 'Select Project Stage' bulk action - where you can quickly select multiple jobs and update them to a specific project stage.
When editing a project, the Project Stage option sits at the top of the project details build information.
Customising Your Project Status List
We have a new profile dropdown Branch Setting under Project Settings that allows those with permission to customise the Project Stages list. If you don't see this option, you need to contact your business owner or the Rave administrator in your office to turn it on.
From the Project Settings page, you will see your current Project Stages list. You can archive unnecessary stages by clicking the 'Archive' button. Any that are empty will just show in orange as archived. Any that have projects assigned to them will ask you to re-assign them to another project stage. You can rename a stage by clicking Rename and typing a new name in.
Note: Closed Projects are not affected by this change, only Open Projects.
Back on the Nuild Projects list page, you can now bulk-assign or single-assign any of the project states using your new custom list if you didn't already do it during the archive stage.