Your Profile drop-down menu

To the top right of the screen is your profile drop-down menu. Clicking on the dropdown to the right of your name, you find the options of viewing (and updating your contact details), changing your password, turning your 'Site/Build Client Note Added' notifications off/on, and logging out.

Communication Tools

RAVE provides you, and your builder, with a few different ways to communicate with each other.  Up to the top right of the screen you may see a teal bubble (messages), and/or a red bubble (notifications).  

  • Messages are RAVE's primary communication tool between you and your builder - we'll go into more detail on this a little later.
  • While Alerts tend to be more action/schedule orientated - you probably won't receive any of these alert pop-ups - but if you do, clicking on the alert will take you to the relevant section in RAVE for review.