You can add Follow-ups through the Action button via the Client Overview screen - to ensure no Clients are left behind.  To get started, we click on the Action dropdown, then “Add Follow Up”.

This will bring up the Add Client Follow-Up pop-up, where we fill out the fields relevant to this specific Follow Up. 

You can fill in the Event details - making it as thorough and specific as you need. Assign staff members, and set the completed by date, any other necessary details and click Save to load it in!

 Once saved, the Follow Up will be displayed at the top of the Client Profile.

It will also appear in your Calendar, and in your Home screen “Next 7 days” table once it falls within that date range. Rave will also send an email to you with the record of the appointment, including a little link that will copy it into your external calendar.

Once the appointment is all loaded in, we click on “Show” to check it out in full detail, and we can Edit or Delete the appointment here as required.