Adding a new Client is pretty straightforward. If you click on the “Add Client’ button as shown below, you’ll be taken to the ‘New Client’ page where you can add one client at a time or a client list via the ‘Upload Client List’ button. 

Essentially, we're just filling in as many fields as we can, ensuring that the required fields are completed. If you don't have all the information to hand, no worries, just complete the details that you do have as we can always come back later by editing an existing client profile. 

NOTE: If the Client is already in the system, Rave will let you know that we have a match and rather than adding them again, you can just click on the Client name and go to their existing profile. Allowing you to add your notes, follow-up, or an additional project. Refreshing the screen will reset the page and we're ready to load a new client. 

Once you have added all relevant information (ensuring the required fields are completed), scroll to the bottom of the page and click save.

Editing a Clients Profile

If you ever need to edit or add details to a Client profile, just click on the “Edit” button up to the top right of the Client Profile/Client Overview.