RAVE includes 3 easy processes to manage the approval of pending variations via the project's progress payment sub-tab - these are all available via the pending variation action dropdown (meatball icon) to the right of the invoiceable/invoice
1. 'Mark as Approved' a Pending Variation when you already have the Client's Approval
If you already have acceptance confirmation from the client for a pending variation (via a signed document or email) you can manually approve the variation in RAVE on the client's behalf.
To Approve a Variation on the client's behalf:
- Click on the Pending Variation 3 dot dropdown to the right of the invoiceable/invoice
- Then click on the 'Mark as Approved' option
This will open the 'Mark as Approved' pop-up - with the option of notifying the project manager if required. - Decide if you want to notify the project manager and/or client, and click the 'Approve' button to confirm
This will change the variation invoiceable status to Accepted, and update the total pending/awaiting approval figure also.
2. Print a Variation Signing document - to confirm the Client's Acceptance in Writing
If you prefer written confirmation of a variation (with a signature) you can download and send or print a Variation Signing document.
To print and/or save/send a Variation Signing document: click on the Pending Variation 3 dot dropdown to the right of the invoiceable/invoice hen click on the 'Print' option
This will display the Variation Signing document in a new tab - ready for you to print, and/or save/download a PDF version to attach to an email, for acceptance.
Once you've received the signed Variation Signing document back, you can go ahead and follow the 'Mark as Approved a Pending Variation when you already have the Client's Approval' steps noted previously.
3. Request Approval Electronically via RAVE
RAVE allows you to confirm acceptance of pending variations electronically via the 'Request Approval' workflow.
To Request Approval for your pending variation electronically:
- Click on the Pending Variation 3 dot dropdown to the right of the invoiceable/invoice
- Click on the 'Request Approval' option
This will open a 'Submit Variation for Approval' pop-up, explaining that:
This will send the client a link to this variation for them to preview it, comment on it, and either approve or decline it. You'll be notified of any of these actions. - Click on the 'Send Variation' button to confirm
This will change the status of the 'Pending' variation invoiceable to 'Accepted', and send an email to the client requesting their approval
NOTE: We have included some screenshots of the client's acceptance/approval process below
Some screenshots of the client's acceptance/approval process belowVariation Signing document - with Electronic Accept, Decline, and Comment Functionality
Accept Screenshots
Acceptance Notification Email
- Comment Screenshots
Decline Screenshots
The Variation Status and Comments are Updated in RAVE - when it is Approved by the Customer