To Upload Contractor Files:

  1. From the Contractors sub-tab, we click on the ‘Show’ button of the contractor we are wanting to upload documents too.

  2. Then, from the ‘Contractor Overview’ page, click on the ‘Contractor Files' sub-tab.

    The ‘Contractor Files’ page is broken into two sections:

    The first is the ‘Uploaded Files’ section which is able to be uploaded to by, and is visible to the contractor, your business, and any business that also uses this contractor within RAVE - it acts as a PUBLIC folder for that contractor.

    The second section is the ‘Branch Only’ folder which is accessible by the contractor, and your business only. No other business has access to these files, so if you have any documentation that you want to upload for the contractor that you don't want any other businesses to see the 'Branch Only' folder is where you'd want to upload these files.

  3. To add a document, you must first decide whether we should add this file to the public 'Uploaded Files' section, or your private 'Branch Only Files' section.  

  4. Clicking on the appropriate ‘Upload’ button will open a 'File Upload' pop-up, allowing you to select from a number of Category Types:

    Workplace Health and Safety policy
    Public liability insurance up to date
    Associations affiliated with (Master Builders, Master Electricians etc)
    Workmanship guarantee
    Materials guarantee
    Licensed Building Contractor Certificate

  5. Entering the document policy or expiry date
  6. Then clicking ‘Choose File’ to find and select the document to be uploaded
  7. Finally, clicking ‘Upload’ to add the file, or 'Cancel' to cancel and/or start the process again 

    This will take you back to the ‘Contractor Files’ sub-tab, where you can see the files that have been uploaded and when, and the document expiry date.  

    When the contractor's policy reaches this expiry date you and the contractor will be notified of this, as a prompt for them to upload their new policy documentation. 

    You have the ability to ‘View’ (open) the documents, reading through them to check over i.e. if their liability coverage is correct, and expiry dates line up, etc.  You also have the ability to delete any outdated/unnecessary documents as required.