We've covered adding and managing 'basic' Invoicables in this FAQ guide - we are now ready to look at adding and managing Detailed and Multi-lined Invoiceables.

NOTE: Detailed invoiceables allow you to add more detail around cost centre's, categories, unit qty's and pricing - to improve the accuracy of your back costing and profitability reports (for RAVE FMS clients).  While the multi-line invoiceable allows you to add more detail to an invoice, and then part or fully invoice those items out at a later date.

How to Add a Detailed Invoiceable 

To add a new detailed invoiceable line to any payment sections of the progress payment (payment schedule) sub-tab we:

  1. Click the drop-down to the right of the ‘Add an Invoiceable’ button
  2. And select the 'Add a Detailed Invoiceable' option

    This will open the 'Add a Detailed Invoiceable' pop-up, where you can load the primary Invoiceable Description plus:
    Code - a product code if loading an inventory item
    Line description - for this invoiceable line
    Cost Centre - for reporting purposes
    Category - for reporting purposes
    UOM (Unit of Measure) - each, m, m2, m3, etc
    QTY (Quantity) - the qty of units 
    Price - including GST (if any)
    Tax Rate - 15% GST or No GST

    The line Total will automatically calculate from the UOM, QTY, and Price details

  3. Once you've loaded all of the necessary details click the line item ‘Save’ to load that line item
  4. You'll then have the option of adding another line to this invoiceable - via the 'Add a Line Item' button to the bottom left of the pop-up
  5. Once you've loaded all your necessary invoiceable line items - click the pop-up ‘Save’ button to load that charge

    The invoiceable line will be added, displaying a list icon that works the same as the pencil edit icon - clicking on either allows you to view the lines, add additional lines, and edit each line's details.

How to Edit a Detailed Invoiceable 

To edit an existing detailed invoiceable/invoice we:

  1. Click the ‘Pencil' (edit) icon to the right of that invoiceable/invoice - or the list icon (if a multi lined detailed invoiceable) to the left of the invoiceable status

  2. Make any necessary changes to the primary description, and/or click that line's pencil icon to amend any of the line detail 

    NOTE: You can also delete the entry at this point via the trashcan icon

  3. And click ‘Save’ to confirm that change