RAVE's Classic Scheduling - included for all RAVE branches by default - where tasks (and milestones) are ordered by start date - you can move:
- An individual task
- This task + all future milestone tasks
- This task + all future schedule tasks
The Task List view of the Schedule
Schedules in RAVE are broken down by milestones (also known as stages) containing tasks - where everything is sorted in start date order. Each milestone will display it's tasks by default, but you can use the Expand All/Collapse All buttons to the top right of the schedule to display or hide tasks.
- Tasks are sorted in start date order, with tasks scheduled on the same day sorted in the order in which they were added/moved to that day.
- Milestones are also sorted in date order - by the start date of the first task in each milestone. If multiple milestones start on the same day, as with tasks, the milestones are sorted in the order in which they were added/moved to that day.
Scheduled Tasks highlighted in Yellow
Any scheduled task highlighted in yellow, lets you know that these tasks are starting today.
Milestone Editing options
The milestone drop-down menu allows you to:
- Add a task
- Edit the milestone
- Name
- Milestone colour
- Set the milestone's task visibility
- A 'Delete' milestone (and all tasks it contains) button
- A 'Delete' milestone (and all tasks it contains) option
Scheduled Task Elements/Editing Options
Each task has a number of details (fields) that can be edited by clicking on them. This includes:
- The task name
- The task start date
- The task finish date
- The task duration
- The primary person assigned to the task
- The task status (open, ordered, working, and completed) where:
- Open i.e. the task hasn't started yet
- Ordered i.e. we are awaiting on a delivery before we can start the task
- Working i.e. work on the task has started, but it is not yet finished
- Completed i.e. the task has been completed to the PM's satisfaction i.e. the PM has signed the task off as completed
- The visibility check box
- Non-visible tasks (not ticked) are viewable by branch users and task assignees only
- Visible tasks (ticked) are viewable by branch users and everyone else who has 'view all visible tasks' permissions set
- The task edit (pencil) icon - clicking on this opens the 'Task Details' pop-up, providing access to a few additional task elements - these are:
- Secondary Assignees - others who can access the task and task comments
- Prompt Days - reminders to task assignees that this task is due to start in 'x' number of days
- Progress Payment/Stage Claim linking - covered in our 'Accounts - Progress Payment' training
- Key Task linking - covered in our 'Key Task Build Overview Report' training
- A 'Delete' task button
- The 3 dot drop-down menu
- View Task Details and Comments - covered in our 'Project Communication' training
- View Task Clashes - spotlighting any other tasks the primary assignee is also assigned to today
- A 'Delete' task option
Updating the Schedule - Moving Tasks in 'Classic' Mode - Task List View
We can update the schedule (move a task or tasks) via the task list view in 'Classic' scheduling mode, simply by:
- Clicking on a task's 'Start Date'
This will open a calendar pop-up - Clicking on the date you want to move this task's start date to
- Selecting one of three 'Future Task Movement' options:
- Move Only this Task - will leave the rest of the schedule where it is and just move this particular task to its new start date
- Move All Future Milestone Tasks - will move all of the tasks due to start today* and onwards (for this milestone only) and move those remaining milestone tasks forward/back that number of working days
- Move All Future Tasks - will move all of the tasks due to start today* and onwards (for the rest of the schedule) and move those tasks back a week. will take all of the tasks in the schedule from this date onwards and move those remaining scheduled tasks forward/back that number of working days
IMPORTANT NOTE: Rave does not consider the time of day when selecting 'All Future Tasks' - this means that ALL other tasks starting on this day (even tasks earlier in the Milestone, or in previous milestones) will also move.
- And finally, click the 'OK' button to confirm
If moving future milestone/scheduled tasks, you'll typically see the first task move, then any subsequent future tasks a few seconds afterward.
Updating the Schedule - Moving Tasks in 'Classic' Mode via the pencil icon - Task List View
We can also update the schedule via the edit task pop-up (pencil icon) of the task list view, by:
- Clicking on the edit task/pencil icon
This will open a Task Details pop-up - Clicking on a task's 'Planned Start Date' field
This will open a calendar drop-down - Clicking on the date you want to move this task's start date to
- Selecting one of three 'Future Task Movement' options:
- Move Only this Task
- Move All Future* Milestone Tasks
- Move All Future* Tasks
IMPORTANT NOTE: Rave does not consider the time of day when selecting 'All Future Tasks' - this means that ALL other tasks starting on this day (even tasks earlier in the Milestone, or in previous milestones) will also move.
- And finally, click the 'NEXT' button, and 'SAVE' on the next screen to confirm
Again, if moving future milestone/scheduled tasks, you'll typically see the first task move, then any subsequent future tasks a few seconds afterward.
The Task Gantt view of the Schedule - Classic Scheduling
As mentioned previously, schedules in RAVE are broken down by milestones (also known as stages) containing tasks - where everything is sorted in start date order i.e tasks cascade down from the start date.
As you can see on this screen, you have the tasks listed on the left, and the gantt chart (a graphical view where tasks are displayed with duration bars) to the right.
Below the Schedule Details Pane, we have a 'View By' drop-down to the left, we can change the scale of the gantt, viewing by days, weeks, fortnights, months, or years - the default being days.
To the far right, we have our task status color coding (this will not be there if you have custom colouring turned on) - these colours will be reflected on the Gantt as we update tasks.
- Open (gray) i.e. the task hasn't started yet
- Ordered (purple) i.e. we are awaiting on a delivery before we can start the task
- Working (green) i.e. work on the task has started, but it is not yet finished
- Completed (blue) i.e. the task has been completed to the PM's satisfaction i.e. the PM has signed the task off as completed
Task Gantt View - Scheduled Task Elements/Editing Options
Each task line has a number of details that can be edited by double-clicking on them. This includes:
- The task name
- The task start date
- The task duration (in days)
On the gantt chart side, we include: - The taskbar block - spread over the duration of days
- The task name
- And the primary task assignee - if assigned
The current day, and time, are highlighted by the 'Today' dateline - if you ever move away from today's date on the gantt, you can always click on the ‘Today’ button, which will snap the view back to include today's date.
Navigation around the Gantt is controlled by the right and bottom scroll bars. You can also use your mouse to scroll up and down, while holding shift and scrolling up and down to move the Gantt left and right.
RAVE Tip: Clicking on a task description will shuffle the gantt chart, to make that task visible
Updating the Schedule - Moving Tasks in 'Classic' Mode - Task Gantt View
Changing the schedule in 'Classic' scheduling mode, via the task gantt view is super easy.
Click-and-Drag Tasks to Update the Schedule via the 'Classic' Task Gantt View
We have three click-and-drag options, we can:
- Can click-and-drag a single task to move it
- Hold shift+click on one task, then still holding shift, click on another task to create a group of tasks - dragging this group of tasks to move them
- We can hold control (ctrl)+click on a number of tasks - dragging this selection of tasks to move them
That is in addition to double-clicking on a task to edit it.
Double-Clicking Tasks to Update the Schedule via the 'Classic' Task Gantt View
We can also update the schedule by accessing the Task Details pop-up via the gantt view, that's by:
- Double-clicking on the task you want to change
This will open a Task Details pop-up - Clicking on a task's 'Planned Start Date' field
This will open a calendar drop-down - Clicking on the date you want to move this task's start date to
- Selecting one of three 'Future Task Movement' options:
- Move Only this Task
- Move All Future* Milestone Tasks
- Move All Future* Tasks
IMPORTANT NOTE: Rave does not consider the time of day when selecting 'All Future Tasks' - this means that ALL other tasks starting on this day (even tasks earlier in the Milestone, or in previous milestones) will also move.
- And finally, clicking the 'NEXT' button, and 'SAVE' on the next screen to confirm
Again, if moving future milestone/scheduled tasks, you'll typically see the first task move, then any subsequent future tasks a few seconds afterward.
NOTE: Adding tasks and milestones within classic scheduling, can only be done via the schedules Task List view. If you do need to add milestones and tasks via the Gantt view, we have that functionality in Enterprise Scheduling . If you really do need this enhance functionality, please contact Rave Build customer support by phone 07 210 2228, or [email protected] to discuss the advanced and/or enterprise scheduling modules.
Some tips to get started with RAVE 'Classic' Scheduling
You can get started with classic scheduling, getting your own schedule up and running by:
- Loading the RAVE master schedule template and making changes straight away
- Loading and Printing the RAVE master schedule template, noting changes on the printout (dates, duration, assignees) before coming back to RAVE to make those changes
- Converting your schedule template into a CSV spreadsheet - and uploading your schedule via the RAVE template section (Site|Build / Templates).
The 'Activate Schedule' Button and Pop-up explanation
In our project admin/job set-up training, we learned how the active and maintenance build status makes the project details and documentation visible to your contractors, but we keep the schedule hidden until you are ready to share it. Making the schedule visible is done via the ‘Activate Schedule’ button.
Activating the schedule means the schedule is now live. Your contractors and your clients (if you have given them access to the job and the schedule) will be able to access the schedule, view and comment on tasks assigned to them, and view all other visible tasks if you have given them the 'view all visible tasks' permission.
In addition to making the schedule live, you can also let your trades know that the schedule is now ready to view, by ticking the ‘Notify Contractors’ tick box - via the Activate Schedule pop-up. The notification drop-down to the right, allows you to see all of the contractors given access to this project i.e. who the notification email is going to be sent to.
You can also include a customised message within your activate schedule notification, sent to your contractors.
RAVE HELP TIP: If you need to make changes to your contractor line up i.e. you have spotted an extra electrical company that should not be listed or a trade that is missing from the list, just click off the pop-up, go back to the People's sub-tab, make the changes by adding or removing contractors as required, and go back to the 'Activate Schedule' pop-up to double check.
Finally, you can tick the 'Enable Schedule Notifications' which will allow contractors to receive:
- The reminder notifications for when this task is due to commence
- The prompt notifications (if added to a task) to let them know this task is due to start in 'x' number of days
- And scheduled task change notifications when a task they are assigned to has had a start date change
Once the 'Activate Schedule' pop-up has been set as you need - you can just click the ‘Activate’ button to make the schedule live, send a notification if required, and enable schedule notifications too.
The 'Activate Schedule' button will be replaced by the 'Send Schedule Notifications' switch - which will be turned on (green) if the notifications check box was ticked.
NOTE: The key point here is that activating the schedule is a one-time action. You do not want to activate the schedule until you need to i.e. you have got your schedule set up, tasks assigned out and you want to communicate this information.