There are numerous Client Invoice reports available, including Charge-Up Reports, unpaid and paid invoices, requested invoices, and a breakdown of Progress Payment invoices. You can also print or export these reports and filter specific information as needed.

The Progress Payment option showcases all sections of the Progress Payment sub-tabs, allowing you to view all invoices through the default overview sub-tab or filter by a specific progress payment category, such as all deposit payments within a given date range, with further filtering based on your project’s status.

Within the selected date range, you’ll see a snapshot of invoice statuses, indicating how many are unpaid, partially paid, paid, etc.

Charge-up clients can check:

- Invoices from Bills: Traditional charge-up invoices generated from Bills

- Other Invoices: Charge-up invoices created from Quotes and POs.

Each report features a table below that lists all invoices and their details according to the selected filters and date range. This list can be exported to CSV.