The 'Overview' sub-tab of your project displays essential details. Many of these details are shared with your site staff, contractors, and even clients who have been granted access through the project's people sub-tab. The goal is to provide as much information as possible to your subcontractors, which should help reduce the number of unnecessary phone calls you receive each week.

TIP:  Project managers who are really using RAVE's systems to the max, report that they are saving up to two hours per project, per week in reduced phone calls and rework. 

As you move down the page, you'll see the job number at the top left. This may default to the client's last name followed by a reference number, but it is usually adjusted to reflect the site address or your preferred job numbering system.

Below the job number is a shortcut link to the ‘Schedule’ sub-tab, along with a pie chart that provides a quick visual summary of the schedule's progress - assuming a schedule has been added to the project. As tasks are completed (indicated in blue), the pie chart will gradually fill until it is entirely blue. We cover this in more detail during our schedule training sessions.

On the top right of the page, you'll find your branch name, the Build 'Status' dropdown menu, the 'Signed Contract Value' if it has been entered, and a checkbox to 'Show Build on the First Page.'

The Build ‘Status’ dropdown menu controls the visibility of the project to your site staff, contractors, suppliers, and clients. Only projects marked as ‘Active’ and/or ‘Maintenance’ are visible to users outside your organisation.

- Lead: This status indicates that the project is still with the sales team. Contractors do not need access to projects in this state, and these projects are hidden from the construction team when the 'All States excl Lead' project list filter is applied.

- Pending: This status typically means that the job has been 'WON' but construction has not yet begun, or it is being kept hidden from external parties. This is generally the default setting for your projects.

- Active: This status indicates that construction has started, or the project is ready to be shown to external parties.

- Maintenance: This status means the project has been completed, but you are currently in the maintenance phase, addressing any issues that arise.

- Closed: This status signifies that the job is finished and any necessary maintenance work or period has been completed. Projects with this status are moved from your active project list to your closed project list.

The 'Signed Contract Value' is entered when the sales team marks their contract as WON. This information is visible only to the branch and the client, provided that access to the job has been granted to the client, as explained in our Client Portal Setup training.

The 'Show Build on the First Page' checkbox prioritises your jobs, placing them at the top of your build project list and highlighting them in bold. This setting is specific to each login, allowing individual project managers to prioritize their own builds. If you have more prioritised builds than can fit on one page, they will continue to appear at the top of the second page.

As you continue down the page, you'll find key project details, including the site address, consent number, project images (sourced from the files 'Images' folder), Site/Build Notes, Client Site/Build Notes, and a location map, among other information. We will discuss how to update these details shortly.

Site/Build Notes + Contractor Visibility 

The Site/Build Notes are hidden from contractors by default, and most of our clients (99%) choose to keep it this way, allowing the project team to maintain internal notes for builds.

Adding notes is simple-just type in your text and attach images or other documents using the 'Click to select file(s)' section. Notes are saved in chronological order, from oldest to newest, and each note indicates who added it. You can edit, pin, or delete notes using the pencil, thumbtack, and trash can icons, respectively.

The Client Site/Build Notes  

The ‘Client Site/Build’ notes functionality is similar to the ‘Project Site/Build’ notes, and they are visible to both the branch and the client-provided the client has been granted a portal login.

**NOTE:** Adding a client site/build note will generate an email notification to the client, informing them of the update. If you do not plan to grant your client access to their project, refrain from adding any Client Site/Build notes here.

The Project Map 

The ‘Project Map’ section is powered by Google Maps and displays the site address entered in the project details. If the address is empty or unrecognized by Google-such as in the case of a new subdivision not yet updated in their database-it will show the nearest location instead. The project map is accessible to all users who have been granted access to the job.

Project Details 

The 'Job Number' is positioned at the top left of the page and typically defaults to the client's last name followed by a six-digit code. You can modify this to include the site address, the client's name, or your own internal numbering system.

The 'Contract Name' is added at the end of the Job Number in reports and communications to your trades. This field provides an opportunity to include additional details, such as the site address or specify whether the job is a NEW build, a bathroom renovation, or an extension.

The 'Internal Reference' is an optional field that is not visible to your trades.

You can also update the 'Build Status' and 'Project Status' here, as well as the Project Manager assigned to the job.

The 'Contractor Notes' section is where you can include important information for anyone coming on-site, such as lockbox and alarm codes, reminders, special instructions, health and safety issues, and any other critical points they need to be aware of.

The Project Type + Site Details

On the right, you'll find the ‘Project Type’ and 'Site Details' sections. While the 'Build Type' is a mandatory field, the other fields are optional.

The Contract Details + Client sections 

To the right, you’ll find the 'Contract + Client Details' section. You can update the client associated with this project using the 'Project Client' dropdown. The 'Opportunity' and 'Lead Heat' fields are filled in when the client is added, but you can update these details here. The remaining fields are optional.

The Consenting & Compliance + Build Guarantee sections

Filling out the 'Building Consent Issued,' 'Building Consent Number,' and 'Council' fields is an effective way to minimise unnecessary phone calls and emails, saving time for both you and your contractors.

For instance, if an electrician has finished their work and is ready to submit their certificate, they might realise they don't have the consent number. Instead of calling you after hours or waiting a day or two for an email response, they can quickly access the consent number from RAVE, complete their certificate, and send it to you immediately, reducing stress and saving everyone time.

Additionally, the 'Build Guarantee' section ensures that these details are easily accessible.

Adding a Site Address 

As previously mentioned, entering a 'Site Address' here enables the project's Google Maps location. In most cases, you can use the 'Search Address' field for quick population of this information. If the address is new or not recognised, you can manually enter the details in the address fields.

The Land Information + Project Settings section 

These sections are optional and easy to fill out, but the 'Project Settings' section includes two important fields we'll cover now.

Message Visibility

Would you like project messages to be visible to 'All Branch Staff,' or just to the recipients of those messages? By default, this is set to 'All Branch Staff.'

Hide Client Details from Contractors

If this option is enabled, the client's name, email, and phone number will be hidden from contractors on the project page. By default, this is set to 'No,' meaning client details are visible by default.

Once you’ve made all your updates on this page, click ‘Save’ to apply the changes.

NOTE: If you are ever concerned about what your contractors can see, ensure you add yourself as a dummy contractor to the branch, add yourself to an 'active' project, and login in as the contractor to see what is visible to them.  We'll cover adding a contractor next.