The Templates sub-tab lists the various Templates that have been saved within Rave. That includes your build Schedules, and also your build Checklists, Build Export templates, Financial templates, Folder templates, your Note templates for Quote Requests, and your Message templates too.
Schedule Templates:
Here you have the ability to create a new template, view, edit or delete the template by clicking on either the template name or view. Clicking on the drop down arrow to the right will give you the option to edit or delete the template. The search bar will allow you to keyword search for a specific template which is handy once you have a few saved in there.
In the table, you can see the template name and which scheduling mode the template is for.
At the bottom left of the screen, you can see how many results are displaying out of your total amount of results. The bottom right allows you to change how many per page you can see along with the ability to navigate to the next page of results.
Checklist Templates:
Checklist templates can be created, viewed, deleted or set as the default via Templates / Checklist Templates. he search bar will allow you to keyword search for a specific template which is handy once you have a few saved in there.
In the table, you can see the template name and the action button to either view, or clicking on the dropdown arrow - set as default or delete. Clicking on the template name will allow you to also view the template and then edit it.
At the bottom left of the screen, you can see how many results are displaying out of your total amount of results. The bottom right allows you to change how many per page you can see along with the ability to navigate to the next page of results.
Build Export Templates:
Any build export templates created and saved via the Build Projects tab are stored in here. These templates cannot be created from the templates subtab - but they can be view, renamed or deleted.
At the bottom left of the screen, you can see how many results are displaying out of your total amount of results. The bottom right allows you to change how many per page you can see along with the ability to navigate to the next page of results.
Financial Templates:
Financial Templates is where all of your templates from Rave Financial will be stored. In the screenshot below you will see that the Estimate templates cannot be edited - only renamed or deleted. All other templates can be viewed, edited and deleted.
At the bottom left of the screen, you can see how many results are displaying out of your total amount of results. The bottom right allows you to change how many per page you can see along with the ability to navigate to the next page of results.
Payment Schedule Templates:
Payment Schedule Templates are the templates you can load in your Progress Payment subtab.
From here you can create, view, edit or delete a template.
At the bottom left of the screen, you can see how many results are displaying out of your total amount of results. The bottom right allows you to change how many per page you can see along with the ability to navigate to the next page of results.
Folder Template:
Here you can view, set/unset default, rename and delete the folder templates.
At the bottom left of the screen, you can see how many results are displaying out of your total amount of results. The bottom right allows you to change how many per page you can see along with the ability to navigate to the next page of results.
Notes Template:
The Notes Template is where messages on your quote request and purchase orders are stored. From here you can create a new note template, view, edit and delete your templates.
In the table you can see the template name and what type of template it is for e.g quote request or purchase order.
At the bottom left of the screen, you can see how many results are displaying out of your total amount of results. The bottom right allows you to change how many per page you can see along with the ability to navigate to the next page of results.
Message Template:
Templates saved from your message subtab are stored in here where you can view, edit and delete them. You can also create new templates if needed.
At the bottom left of the screen, you can see how many results are displaying out of your total amount of results. The bottom right allows you to change how many per page you can see along with the ability to navigate to the next page of results.