The Projected Income Report provides you with a forward-looking view of potential income. This report details estimates and variations within the selected date range.

At the top you can filter the report results by date and branch. The report then shows the figures for the below categories for estimates and variations:

Sent - Sent to the client, no response has been received

Generated - Generated in Rave, but not sent via Rave

Accepted - Accepted by the Client or Branch

Declined - Declined by the Client or Branch

To the right there is a total excl GST of your potential income and also the option to Print or Export.

Below the summary is a table which breaks down the information for each project displaying:

  • Client
  • Project
  • Contract Name
  • Project Manager
  • Sales Person
  • Address
  • Type (Estimate or Variation)
  • Proposal Name
  • Latest Proposal
  • Status of the Proposal
  • Whether the version is active
  • Date it was sent
  • Date it was actioned
  • Who it was actioned by
  • The email address for the person it was actioned by
  • Any comments added
  • Total excl GST
  • Total incl GST