To create a new user in your branch (this is permission dependent), click on your user dropdown at the top right of the screen, then expand the Branch Settings and click on Manager Users.
From here you will click on New User to the right hand side.
Then start entering the users information.
Personal: add your users first and last name in the dedicated text boxes.
Login & Branch: Next add their notification email (the email address they want to receive notifications to) along with their username (this should be the same as their notification email address).
Contact & Rates: Enter in the cost per hour (what they COST you per hour not just what you pay them per hour) and then the Sell Per Hour (the rate you will charge the staff member per hour to your clients). The Cost and Sell per hour will be pulled through when you convert a timesheet into a bill. Add in your users contact information you wish to add. If you dont use these features you can skip this step
Groups: By default the user group will be a timesheet user, if you want to change the user group just click on 'timesheet' at the bottom of the page OR click on Groups & Permissions at the top.
From here click in the dropdown box next to groups and select the user group(s) required or the black X to the right of the selected group to remove.
Adding a user group to your user will automatically assign permissions that Rave believes the user will need to carry out their work however you can add or remove permissions by checking or unchecking the box.
To add permissions, tick the box next to the relevant permission. This will then allow you to edit the permission level by clicking on the dropdown arrow to change the users permission level to view only which allows them to view the subtab but not make any changes. By default, Add/Edit/Delete will be selected. Having these granular permissions allow branch owner to have more control over what users can see and do.
PLEASE NOTE: Visible permissions will vary depending on the User Group selected.
If you are unsure what each permission means, we have a toggle you can switch on and off to show the descriptions of each permission.
Once you have given your new user their group and customised their permissions if required, you can give them reporting access. Here you will firstly tick the box to enable the user to View Branch Reports. From here you can choose which area of reporting you want them to have access to. Business Performance, Sales, Project, Financial and Client. Once you enable each of those categories, you can choose which reports within them the user has access to.
Once finished, click on save at the bottom right of the screen to create your new user. Once you click save to create the new user, Rave will send out an email notification to let them know they have been created as a new user in Rave. For more information on this, check out our Welcome Email when creating a user article.