Time tracking enables you to clock in and out of a job when you are on-site and working on a task(s). We have updated the way you are able to clock in and out, and add breaks making Rave's Timesheets easier than ever to use!

We now have an 'Add timesheet entry' widget located under your user dropdown on every page in Rave, allowing you to clock in or out from any page, for any job!

Note: Click here for our My Timesheets and Branch Timesheets article

To Add a Timesheet Entry:

1. Click on the clock icon (widget) under your user dropdown - this will open your Timesheets pop-up, defaulting to today's date.

2. Click the + (plus) icon in the bottom left corner of the pop-up - this will take you to the 'Add an entry' screen.

3. From here you can enter your clock in and/or clock out time, select the project which will display the Job Number and Contract Name, add a tag, add any additional notes required, and select one of the 'Break' options - No Break, 30 Minutes, or 1 Hour.

NOTE: If you have a default break time set for your user login, it will already be pre-selected here.

TIP: You can select a previous or next day by clicking on the directional arrows on either side of the 'Today calendar icon' 

For more tips/instructions on how to add an entry, hover over the question mark in the top right corner.

4. Then click on the 'ADD ENTRY' button to confirm.

This will take you back to your Timesheets pop-up, defaulting to today's date. You'll see your entry displayed with the following details:

The Project's Job Number | Client's name
Clock in time - Clock out time (the selected break option) (Total time: less any break option selected)
Any notes added

With the option to edit or delete the entry via the pencil edit or trashcan delete icons.

To start a running clock:

1. Click on the clock icon (widget) under your user dropdown - this will open your Timesheets pop-up, defaulting to today's date.

TIP: You can select a previous or next day by clicking on the directional arrows on either side of the 'Today calendar icon'

2. Click on the 'play' icon (the white triangle in the green circle) at the bottom right of the screen to start the clock.

3. Once the clock starts, a 'Clocked In' message will display - next to the 'stop' icon (the white square in the red circle) at the bottom right of the screen.

4. To clock out, click on the 'stop' icon (the red circle) at the bottom right of the screen - this will take you to the 'Clock out' screen.

5. From here you can edit your clock in time, add your clock out time, select the project, add a tag, add any additional notes required, and select one of the 'Break' options - No Break, 30 Minutes, or 1 Hour.

6. When using Timesheet Tags we have now added a handy shortcut to the bottom of the tags list where you can add a new tag or manage existing ones without having to leave the timesheets modal.

Simply scroll to the bottom of the tags list and you can then add a new tag or modify your existing ones. 

If you dont see these options you need this permission turned on by your business owner or the Rave Support Team. 

NOTE: If you have a default break time set for your user login, it will already be pre-selected here.

TIP: For more tips/instructions on how to add an entry, hover over the question mark in the top right corner.

7. Then click on the 'CLOCK OUT' button to confirm.

This will take you back to your Timesheets pop-up, defaulting to today's date. You'll see your entry displayed with the following details:

The Project's Job Number | Client's name
Clock in time - Clock out time (the selected break option) (Total time: less any break option selected)
Any notes added

With the option to edit or delete the entry via the pencil edit or trashcan delete icons.