Cost to Complete


Our New Cost to Complete column is now live in the profitability Reports Tab inside a project in Rave Financial. 


The icon at the top of the header Cost to Complete Totals will show you the balance required to “complete” this project based on the approved quotes Less Bills (Less overspends). This will give you the value required to finish the project without displaying budget blow outs/overspends.


In our example below for Architect/Designer we have a budget of $6,500 + gst but have already been billed $8,000 + gst so the true cost to complete that portion is $0 and the overspend of $1,500 + gst has been removed from the totals in cost to complete column.


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The total for this whole project has taken the Quotes less the Bills (Removed the overspends) to give you a full cost to complete for the whole project. The sums are  $581,043.86 balance + $4,560 of over spends added back in to give a total of $585,03.86 required to settle the build budget.

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