Rave has released a new and improved screen optimised Page Layout, and a Notification + Messaging update! 

New Page Layout

Firstly, you will notice a difference in the appearance - the RAVE buttons (to the top right) and sub-tabs (to the top left) have been optimised for various screen sizes.   And, what used to be your username dropdown, is now displaying your initials.  These updates allow for easier viewing and navigation when working on a smaller screen e.g phone or tablet.  

As you can see below, when using a smaller screen (includes reducing your browser screen size) a hamburger menu option will appear to allow you to navigate the main RAVE 'butons' in a much more user-friendly view.

By converting the 'buttons' to the top right, to a side bar Site Navigation menu.

Selecting a side menu 'button', and scrolling down displays your page navigation, allowing you to move through your client, site/build and financial subtabs etc with ease.

Notification and Message Update

Previously, when you clicked and opened a message from the message icon the notification would disappear. If you navigated away from the messages subtab, there was no way of getting back to the message i.e. if you forgot which project it was for.  Now you will be able to click back into the message,as the last 30 read and unread messages will stay in your messages dropdown.

Notification Update - White text on a red background:

The notification alerts have moved, you will now find them by:

  1. Clicking on your user icon - where the amount of notifications and messages unread are already visible.

  2. From here, open up your notifications by clicking on the drop-down arrow.

  3. Anything unread notifications will have a bullet point to the left with its text in bold. All read notifications will display as shown in the image below.

Messages Update - Black text on a white background:

You can now view messages across all projects, and still have access to them, even after they have been read. Here you can also view the last 30 read and unread messages.

  1. Accessing your messages is the same as notifications - clicking on your user icon, and then the dropdown arrow next to messages.