To create a new Purchase Order from scratch, that isn’t linked to a quote/price in the estimate:   


  1. We click on the ‘Purchase Orders’ sub-tab

  2. Then click on the ‘Add a Purchase Order’ button to the top right of the page

  3. You then need to:
    • Select a supplier or contractor
    • The category/Subcategory (however this can be done for each line item if you have more than one)
    • And all of the relevant delivery information
    • The items will need to be loaded manually by clicking ‘Add Item’

  4. You would then follow the same process to create the items, as you did via the Quotes page – selecting:
    • The Chart of Account Code
    • Category/Subcategory if you have more than one for your Purchase Order
    • Unit of measure
    • Pricing
    • Markup etc.


  5. You then have the option to Save as Pending as well as Saving as a Template. Once your purchase order is ready, you can Approve & Send which will send to your Supplier or you can just Approve.