To create a supplier Credit Note from the 'Bills In' page:

  1. Click on the 'Add a Supplier Credit Note' button - next to the 'Add a Bill' button - to the top right of the 'Bills In' page

    This will open the 'Add a Supplier Credit Note' screen 

  2. You'll see that RAVE will auto-generate a Credit Note number, you can then choose to either

    - Select an Associated Bill via the 'Associated Bill' drop-down to the top right of this page to auto-populate already completed fields, completing the remaining details
    - Or create a one-off credit note from scratch - filling in 
    the following fields as required

    - Select the Supplier/Contractor
    - Select the Category and Subcategory
    - Set the Issued Date - this will default to today's date
    - Select the appropriate 'Amounts are' tax selection 
    - Add any attachments by clicking on the 'Click to select file(s) for upload, or drag and drop them here' cloud icon
    - And click the 'Add a Line Item' button to add each of the line items

  3. Once all of the necessary details have been added, you can then click the 'Approve' button to load that credit note.

    This will load the credit note and take you back to the project's 'Bills In' sub-tab, where this new credit note entry will be displayed.

    If you are connected to Xero this will send the credit note to Xero as a draft to approve and send to your supplier.

    NOTE: In RAVE a credit note is entered as a positive line item NOT a negative. if you need to charge a restocking fee or other 'charge' onto the credit note you enter that as a negative dollar value. 

Bulk adding your Categories, Subcategories and/or Chart of Accounts

If you need to add or update your estimate categories and/or Chart of Accounts to multiple lines, you can select the tick box on the left hand side of your line items for the relevant lines and bulk add your categories/chart of account code.