You can also receive bills in via the 'Bills In - Add a Bill' button, following a similar process as the 'Receive bills in to RAVE via the 'Bills In - Purchase Orders Ready to Convert to Bills' option above - you can get started by:
- Clicking on the project's 'Bills In' sub-tab
- Then click on the 'Add a Bill' button at the top right of the screen
This will open the 'Add a Bill' page - You have the ability to pre-load previously saved information, by selecting one of the 'Load From' selections - located at the top left of the page
- Quote - allows you to populate information from a previously accepted quote
- Purchase Order - allows you to populate information from a previously created purchase order
- Template - select a previously saved bill template
If none of the above options apply, leave the preselect as purchase order and fill in the required fields and other details to accept the bill in
- Select the Supplier/Contractor
- Enter the Suppliers Bill/Reference number - you can click the generate button if you'd like RAVE to create this for you for internal bills otherwise you should use the bill reference number/name from your supplier
- Select the Category and Subcategory
- Select the Billed Date
- Select the Due Date
- Select the appropriate 'Amounts are' tax selection
- Add their bill (attachment) by clicking on the 'Click to select file(s) for upload, or drag and drop them here' cloud icon
- Click the 'Add a Line Item' button to add in each of the bill's line item details, completing the following details for each line:
Code - a product inventory shortcut code, if previously loaded, this will fill in many of the following fields
Description - of this bill or bill line
Chart of Accounts Code - the project this portion of the bill is to be charged to
Category - the category this bill is to be charged against - also ensures your back costing report is correct
Subcategory - the subcategory will allow more detail into your cost vs spend
UOM (Unit of Measure) i.e. each
QTY (Quantity) - the number of units
Cost Price - your per-item cost
Markup - if required i.e. if you are on-charging this bill, you can add a markup
Sell Price - will auto-calculate from the QTY, Cost Price and Markup - or manually enter a Sell Price here to calculate the Margin
Tax Rate - if applicable i.e. 15% GST - Then click the SAVE button to confirm your line entry
- Repeat the above steps to add the next line(s) until every single item and total item value of that bill has been added
- Once all of the bill's charges have been accounted for, you can then click the 'Approve' Button to load that bill entry.
This will load the bill and take you back to the project's 'Bills In' sub-tab, where this new bill entry will be displayed.
If you are connected to Xero this will also send your bill to Xero as a draft item.