The RAVE Financial Management System's 'Transaction Report' allows you to easily view ALL of your project's Quotes, Variation Quotes, Purchase Orders, Bills, Supplier Credit Notes, Invoices and Client Credit note line items in one place. The transaction report displays the document reference, description, supplier, category (and subcategory if you choose to switch the switch on), quantity, line price, Chart of Account, and more - with simple search functionality and filters to help you quickly find the information you need.
You can export your project's transactions report to a CSV file for manual manipulation, or use the on-screen display to quickly reference the line items back to your back costing report - ensuring all bills and credit notes are correctly accounted for, for accurate financial reporting.
You'll find the 'Transaction Report' via your project's Budget sub-tab - under Project Reporting dropdown.
The Transaction Report's Table
Clicking on the 'Transaction Report' loads the transaction report's table, where we display all Quotes, Variation Quotes, Purchase Orders, Bills, Supplier Credit Notes, Invoices and Client Credit notes by line item in the following columns:
Reference - the bill or credit note reference number - this is a clickable link
Category - the category this item is charged against
Sub Category - The Sub Category only shows if you switch the toggle to the top right of the screen. It will also widen the report
Contact - the supplier or contractor who sent the bill or credit note
Transaction Date - the date the bill or credit note was entered
Due Date - the date the bill or credit note is due
Type - a short code for the document type (you can single or multi select here)
Code - product inventory code if used
Description - the line item description
QTY - the quantity
Cost - the cost price per item
EXCL GST - the total cost for the entire line i.e. QTY x Cost = the Total Cost EXCL GST
Chart of Account - the associated Account Code
Mark Up - The markup added to the line
Total - at the bottom of the table we display the report's EXCL GST column's total - the running total of ALL loaded bills and credit notes
The report's EXCL GST total should match the total of the documents from the individual tabs e.g approved quotes/variations, bills, credit notes etc. Checking this example, we can see the transaction report's $1380.00 total matches the 'bills in' total of $1380.00 EXCL GST.
The Transactions Report Filters
This report will quickly grow as you add your bills and credit notes. To assist you with managing your transaction lines, we have a number of handy filters - these are:
Search by Reference - which allows you to find a specific document by their reference
Category - to display all of the different items within the same category
Sub Category - to display all of the different items within the same category and sub category
Contact - to display items from one or more contractors/suppliers
Transaction Date - to display items within handy date range presets - show all, this week, last week, the last two weeks, or last month
Type - to display all or some document types
Reset Filters - a handy button to reset all filters - resetting the filters resets the table to display all item lines again
The Transaction Report - Export to CSV button
The export to CSV button will export all of this information as a CSV file that you can manipulate, and change as required. On this CSV file:
- A credit note entry will show as a red minus value
- Any missing Chart of Account Codes will display as blank fields
- Credit notes without a due date will also display as blank fields