Your project's 'Charge Up' report displays your project's 'Estimate Total' vs what has been 'Invoiced' to date, the 'Balance' still to be invoiced (including any variations) and the 'Cost to Complete'. An expanded view by category and subcategory is also available, so you can easily view and compare the categories and subcategories in estimate total vs what has been invoiced out, and is still to be invoiced.  A handy 'Show GST Inclusive' switch allows you to alter all figures to include GST.  You also have the ability to export your report to PDF or a CSV file.

How to Use RAVE's 'Charge Up' Report

RAVE's 'Charge Up' report is available from the Project Reporting sub-tab within a project's Budget workflows.

To the top of the screen you have the charge up report's summary table displaying the:

  • Estimate Total - the current total of what is to be billed to the client
  • Invoiced - the current total of what has already been invoiced to the client
  • Balance - the current total of what is still to be invoiced to the client
  • Cost to Complete - the balance required to “complete” this project based on the approved Quotes less Bills (less overspends). This will give you the value required to finish the project without displaying budget blowouts/overspends.

    These figures exclude GST by default, abd include variations (if any) A handy 'Show GST Inclusive' switch allows you to change all dollar values on the page to include GST.

The charge up report then splits these totals out by category - displaying each categories estimate total, invoiced total, balance still to be invoiced with the % of budget remaining, and the cost to complete figure.  This allows you to quickly check what you have, and haven't charged your clients yet.

The balance column displays its category line data in 3 colours:

  • Green - there is still an amount to charge your client
  • Black - there is nothing left to charge your client 
  • Red - indicates an overspend

Down the bottom of the report is a column's total row - these total figures match the summary table to the top right. 

At any point, you can export your charge up report to PDF or a CSV file. Both options allow you to choose if you would like to print just the Categories or with the Sub Categories as well.

NOTE:  Whether you are converting your invoiceables to invoices, or are using the traditional charge up method of converting all of your supplier bills to client invoices - whenever you create your client invoices, you need to ensure that the line items have their categories attached - so that the charge up report provides you with better reporting data.  

Below - the first page of a Charge Up Report exported as a PDF