This feature allows you to take an accepted estimate (from your RAVE FMS workflows) and turn it into a payment schedule invoiceable.

You can choose to add those as a list of invoiceables, or just convert the estimate into a single-line invoiceable using the category name as the description and the category total as the amount.

Convert a Client Estimate to a Progress Payment/Charge Up Claim

To convert a Client Estimate to a Progress Payment or Charge Up claim (invoiceable) - you first need to have an approved and accepted client estimate.  Once you have an accepted Client Estimate:

  1. Click on the 3 dot action dropdown (to the far right of the estimate line) and select the 'Create Payment Schedule' option 

    This will open the 'Create Payment Schedule' pop-up

    If the 'Include Line Items' check box is unticked, the conversion process will only display the Category Name as the invoiceable description, and the Total Value as the invoiceable amount.  While ticking the
     'Include Line Items' check box will display all of the individual line items within the proposal as separate invoiceable lines.

  2. Once you've decided to tick (or not) the 'Include Line Items' check box - click the 'Create' button to confirm the conversion process.

    This will take you to the project's Payment Schedule section of the Progress Payment sub-tab, where you'll see that all of the category names have become invoiceable descriptions, with the category values - ready to convert to an invoice and charge out to the client.

    You will also see a % breakdown column, showing you the % amount that each invoiceable has in this section vs the total of all invoiceables listed thus far.

    NOTE:  If there were any attachments added to that Estimate, the conversion would bring these over - these are accessible via the paper-clip icon', while the list icon let's you know that there are detailed  invoiceable line details available.