The Financial button is the home to RAVE's Financial Management System's shortcut screens.  The button defaults to RAVE's FMS Overview/Dashboard subtab.  Clicking on any of the teal text (links) on this will page will shortcut you to that project's particular FMS page i.e. the

  • Client (name) – takes you to that client's Client Overview page
  • Project (job number) – takes you to that project's Site/Build Project Overview page
  • Estimate ($) – takes you to that project's Estimate page
  • PO Total ($) – takes you to that project's Purchase Order page
  • Bills In ($) – takes you to that project's supplier's Bills In page (to help you manage supplier bills and credit notes)
  • Invoices Out ($) – takes you to the project's overview of ALL client invoices - covering charge-up, and/or Progress Payment, and Variation invoices


  • The Address is the specific site address for that project
  • Clicking on the Show button - will take you to the project's Estimate Sub-Tab
  • The 3 dot action dropdown gives you the options to:
    - create a new Quote Request
    - add a new Quote
    - add a new Purchase Order
    - or a add new Bill 
  • A total row displays the sum of each column


Next to the Overview (Dashboard), we have the Bills In subtab. This is for Branch-Level Bills and Credit Notes which allows you to enter bills or create a credit note that needs to be spread across multiple projects. To read more about Branch-Level Bills and Credit notes, click this link to access our Branch-Level Bills (and Credit Notes) article.

Next to Bills In, we have the Profitability Report and Progress Payment Report subtabs.  The Branch Profitability Report page displays the profitability of all active and closed projects in your branch.  To read more about how the Profitability Report works click this link to access our Project Profitability Report article.

The Progress Payment Report subtab links to your Site/Build Project Payment subtab - defaulting to your Progress Payment List report, with access to the Progress Payment Forecast report.