Creating a Charge-up Client Invoice can be done easily via the project's RAVE FMS' Bills In sub-tab - instructions to do so are listed below. 

How to Create a Charge-Up Client Invoice Using RAVE's FMS


To create a charge-up Client Invoice using RAVE's FMS:

  1. Click on the project's 'Budget', then 'Bills In' sub-tabs 

  2. From the Bills In page, click the 'Status' dropdown (near the top right of the table) - selecting either the 'Uninvoiced' or the 'Uninvoiced and Partially Invoiced' dropdown - see the note below - to display all bills available to convert to a client invoice.

    The 'Uninvoiced' vs the 'Uninvoiced and Partially Invoiced' Status NOTE: 

    The 'Uninvoiced' Bill Status filter will ONLY display bills that have NOT had ANY invoice(s) created against them - whether that is for all bill lines and qty's, or a partially billed invoice i.e. any bills that have generated a full or partial client invoice, will not be displayed. 

    The 'Uninvoiced and Partially Invoiced' Bill Status filter will DISPLAY bills that have NOT had ANY invoice(s) created against them AND, any partially invoiced bills 
    i.e. any bills that have any lines or qty still to be invoiced will be displayed.  

  3. If required, you can restrict this list further with a date range by clicking on the 'Billed Date' filter, selecting a preset time period or a specific Date Range i.e. selecting 'Last Month' will only display bills generated last month.

  4. Tick the check box (to the left of each Bill/Credit Note) for all of the bills/credit notes you wish to convert to a charge-up Client Invoice 

    This will display a 'Create Client Invoice/Credit Note' pop-up near the bottom of the screen - the number to the very left, displays the qty of bills/credit notes selected, which will be included in your Client Invoice. 

  5. Click on the pop-up's 'Create Client Invoice/Credit Note' button

  6. This will take you to an 'Add an Invoice' page

    From here you can fill in the required fields and other details to generate your Client Invoice/Credit Note
    - Select the Invoice Date - this will default to today's date
    - Select the Due Date - this will default to 7 days
    - Add any necessary attachments
    - And check the line details, markup and pricing is correct

    Markup NOTE:  If the markup box is empty and the sell price matches the cost price, you are on charging the items at your cost price.  You will need to click the pencil/edit icon (to the right of each line) and change the pricing either by; editing the sell price to a new figure, or by typing in a % or $ value markup for each item. You can also add new line items such as admin fees, and other misc items that weren’t already part of the bill(s) you chose to create the client invoice from.

    Client Invoice GST Exclusive NOTE:  If you have any combination of GST Inclusive, GST Exclusive, or No Tax lines on a single bill - then generate a Client Invoice, RAVE will automatically recalculate the whole Client Invoice to GST Exclusive - displaying the amount of GST that is to be charged to your client, and is payable by your business 

  7. You can either save the invoice as a draft (Save as Draft) for someone else to approve, or if you are using Xero (and have Xero Enabled), you can click 'Approve' to push this as a draft invoice to Xero, for you to approve and/or send on to your client from Xero.

Why/When does RAVE convert my Bill(s) Client Invoice Tax Type to GST Exclusive?

If you have any combination of GST Inclusive, GST Exclusive, or No Tax lines on a single bill, then generate a Client Invoice, RAVE will automatically recalculate the whole Client Invoice to GST Exclusive - displaying the amount of GST that is to be charged to your client, and is payable by your business i.e.

- If all of your Bill's lines are No Tax - the Client Invoice will stay as No Tax
- If all of your Bill's lines are GST Inclusive - the Client Invoice will stay as GST Inclusive 
- If all of your Bill's lines are GST Exclusive - the Client Invoice will stay as GST Exclusive
- If you have any mixture of two or more tax types on your Bill - the Client Invoice will be set to GST Exclusive