The Rave Build team has created a brand new Banner Alert System, allowing us to communicate news, updates, and important notices to RAVE users as they come to light – right from within Rave itself!

The system will be easily spotted by Rave users with a banner popping up at the top of the screen, containing the key information in white text.

A green banner appearing at the top of the screen indicates that Rave has some news or an update to share with users.

An orange banner, indicates more important or pressing notices. This may be used for things such as Rave being offline for maintenance at a certain time. 

Something quite cool about our new alert system, is the fact that these notices can be targeted to specific user types as per the notice’s relevance. So, if you’re a branch user, you may receive a banner alert, but a site staff member, contractor, or supplier may not receive the same one.

Banners will include a key message to the left, and to the right, there will be an action button ( a link to a blog, an article, or even a video training tutorial), with an ‘X’ if required to close the banner alert.

There may, from time to time, be a ‘persistent’ banner that can not be closed, these will disappear after a set period of time.

That’s everything you need to know! So keep your eyes peeled for a banner alert sometime soon, we hope you find them super informative and handy!